SCA Munksunds pappersbruk

Activity (PRTR) 6.(a) Industrial plants for the production of pulp from timber or similar fibrous materials
Activity (MPF) 21.10-i Massa, papper och pappersvaror
River basin district Bottenviken
County Norrbottens län
Municipality Piteå
Parent company name SCA Munksund AB
Organization ID No. 556237-4859
Property reference Munksund 15:1
Supervisory agency Länsstyrelsen i Norrbottens län
Env. mgmt. system ISO 14001

Excel Chart


Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 2214 M
As 6.086 C 6.67 M
BOD7 334135 M
Cd 3.533 M 10.18 M
CH4 18671.8 C
CO 392654.8 M
CO2 biofuels 647849000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 9205000 C
CO2 Total 657054000 C
Cr 10.081 C 11.84 M
Cu 18.058 C 124.61 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.0000587 C
Hg 1.899 C 0.04 M
N2O 17375.8 C
NH3 82187.9 C
Ni 20.198 C 15.66 M
NMVOC 439898.7 C
NOx/NO2 379621 M
PAHs 1.57 C
Pb 17.525 C 16.23 M
SO2 95652 M
TOC 475946 M
Total N 64196 M
Total P 8238 M
TSP 41027 M
Zn 136.58 C 1384.27 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 1664 M
As 6.001 C 8.7 M
BOD7 368973 M
Cd 3.434 M 8.45 M
CH4 18504.8 C
CO 300838.7 M
CO2 biofuels 643226000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 11031000 C
CO2 Total 654257000 C
Cr 11.78 C 11.41 M
Cu 20.911 C 106.36 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.0000185 C
Hg 1.598 C 0.04 M
N2O 17246.69 C
NH3 80010.3 C
Ni 20.27 C 22.32 M
NMVOC 427791.95 C
NOx/NO2 421277 M
PAHs 1.562 C
Pb 17.687 C 15.59 M
SO2 80308 M
TOC 487561 M
Total N 55769 M
Total P 8485 M
TSP 31767 M
Zn 137.136 C 1545.69 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 1684 M
As 6.3 C 11.04 M
BOD7 2009900 M
Cd 3.74 M 12.08 M
CH4 19262 C
CO 228018.4 M
CO2 biofuels 668771580 C
CO2 fossil fuels 14151000 C
CO2 Total 682922580 C
Cr 9.791 C 14.11 M
Cu 22.291 C 124.22 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.0000178 C
Hg 2.678 C 0.04 M
N2O 17990 C
NH3 81270 C
Ni 19.644 C 27.23 M
NMVOC 435612 C
NOx/NO2 444061 M
PAHs 1.6346 C
Pb 30.665 C 20.04 M
SO2 83216 M
TOC 1272000 M
Total N 67686 M
Total P 10255 M
TSP 43767 M
Zn 145.23 C 1441.14 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 2308 M
As 6.37 C 11.99 M
BOD7 2829800 M
Cd 3.72 C 14.64 M
CH4 18680 C
CO 483242.4 M
CO2 biofuels 685829000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 11018000 C
CO2 Total 696847000 C
Cr 9.3 C 28.22 M
Cu 18.47 C 107.6 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00004048 C
Hg 1.79 C 0.04 M
N2O 17328 C
NH3 85246 M
Ni 20.46 C 65.27 M
NMVOC 454258 C
NOx/NO2 434139 M
PAHs 17.25 C
Pb 19 C 28.22 M
SO2 122934 M
TOC 3232300 M
Total N 41742 M
Total P 6291 M
TSP 29743 M
Zn 132.9 C 2381.36 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 3265 M
As 6.82 C 11.27 M
BOD7 2758100 M
Cd 3.52 C 15.37 M
CH4 18873 C
CO 510815 M
CO2 biofuels 680116000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 12180800 C
CO2 Total 692296800 C
Cr 9.24 C 20.5 M
Cu 19.78 C 112.75 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000010997 C
Hg 1.353 C 0.03 M
N2O 17638 C
NH3 78974 M
Ni 18.9 C 23.92 M
NMVOC 422755 C
NOx/NO2 382692 M
PAHs 19.37 C
Pb 23.98 C 45.27 M
PM10 17003 M
SO2 147907 M
TOC 1746800 M
Total N 44284 M
Total P 5236 M
TSP 13060.74 C
Zn 143.1 C 2562.4 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 2074 M
As 7.44 C 8.39 M
BOD7 2219300 M
Cd 3.68 C 15.13 M
CH4 19856 C
CO 474572 M
CO2 biofuels 678231000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 13814000 C
CO2 Total 692045000 C
Cr 11.2 C 17.68 M
Cu 22.3 C 102 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.0000687 C
Hg 1.475 C 0.04 M
N2O 18547 C
NH3 83597 M
Ni 20.8 C 30.4 M
NMVOC 445020 C
NOx/NO2 374569 M
PAHs 20.24 C
Pb 20.59 C 40.97 M
PM10 16467 M
SO2 120353 M
TOC 1637000 M
Total N 58525 M
Total P 8975 M
TSP 12073.83 C
Zn 149.9 C 2421 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 1696 M
As 7.43 C 3.13 M
BOD7 513100 M
Cd 3.8 C 15.36 M
CH4 20025 C
CO 794292.9 M
CO2 biofuels 681725000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 18434000 C
CO2 Total 700159000 C
Cr 11.08 C 12.39 M
Cu 29.84 C 32.15 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000029 C
Hg 2 C 0 M
N2O 18733 C
NH3 8259 M
Ni 20.6 C 7.73 M
NMVOC 433141 C
NOx/NO2 382092.5 M
PAHs 20.96 C
Pb 26.73 C 26.35 M
PM10 15108 M
SO2 129261 M
TOC 550200 M
Total N 88367 M
Total P 13212 M
Zn 153.7 C 1371.07 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 1539 M
As 7.01 C 2.26 M
BOD7 893800 M
Cd 4.75 C 11.62 M
CH4 20070 C
CO2 biofuels 688810000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 17135000 C
CO2 Total 705945000 C
Cr 20.7 C 12.69 M
Cu 46.27 C 45.33 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00000656 C
Hg 1.34 C 0 M
N2O 18760 C
Ni 31.08 C 9.53 M
NMVOC 450920 C
NOx/NO2 345540 M
PAHs 20.6 C
Pb 26.36 C 19.9 M
PM10 20510 M
SO2 136760 M
TOC 646600 M
Total N 117600 M
Total P 23300 M
Zn 152.3 C 1518 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 2053 M
As 6.77 C 4.35 M
BOD7 588100 M
Cd 4.59 C 13.55 M
CH4 19450 C
CO2 biofuels 660468000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 22723296 C
CO2 Total 683191296 C
Cr 20.07 C 18 M
Cu 44.9 C 32 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00000635 C
Hg 1.3 C 0 M
N2O 18180 C
Ni 30.08 C 18.11 M
NMVOC 433830 C
NOx/NO2 393200 M
PAHs 20.1 C
Pb 25.5 C 26.02 M
PM10 27206 M
SO2 95060 M
TOC 473600 M
Total N 94731 M
Total P 12050 M
Zn 148.02 C 1740 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 1626 M
As 6.77 C 4.21 M
BOD7 320000 M
Cd 4.64 C 17.25 M
CH4 20110 C
CO2 biofuels 655017000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 33326000 C
CO2 Total 688343000 C
Cr 20.91 C 0.43 M
Cu 47.07 C 11.97 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00000655 C
Hg 1.36 C 0 M
N2O 18860 C
Ni 30.8 C 0.78 M
NMVOC 431890 C
NOx/NO2 372639 M
PAHs 21.6 C
Pb 26.1 C 31.9 M
PM10 36087 M
SO2 123249 M
TOC 414100 M
Total N 67216 M
Total P 14971 M
Zn 157 C 1665 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 1581 M
As 5.8 C 6.3 M
BOD7 364100 M
Cd 4.1 C 20.4 M
CH4 18420 C
CO2 biofuels 595381000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 26433000 C
CO2 Total 621814000 C
Cr 19.43 C 14.3 M
Cu 44.25 C 53.7 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00000597 C
Hg 1.27 C 0 M
N2O 17380 C
Ni 27.6 C 19.2 M
NMVOC 364840 C
NOx/NO2 342500 M
PAHs 21.4 C
Pb 23.4 C 34.2 M
PM10 39770 M
SO2 96440 M
TOC 377200 M
Total N 75860 M
Total P 16156 M
Zn 151 C 1584 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 2536 M
As 5.96 C 4.1 M
BOD7 1862200 M
Cd 4.2 C 9.21 M
CH4 18630 C
CO2 biofuels 609904000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 29103000 C
CO2 Total 639007000 C
Cr 19.6 C 12.63 M
Cu 44.5 C 14.99 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00000606 C
Hg 1.28 C 0 M
N2O 17560 C
Ni 21.8 C 16.45 M
NMVOC 375730 C
NOx/NO2 370460 M
PAHs 21.3 C
Pb 23.8 C 33.78 M
PM10 40060 M
SO2 76396 M
TOC 1378300 M
Total N 40875 M
Total P 11130 M
Zn 151.1 C 1222 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 2500 M
As 5.66 C 4.79 M
BOD7 2073000 M
Cd 4.2 C 15.94 M
CH4 20740 C
CO2 biofuels 620161000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 30186000 C
CO2 Total 650347000 C
Cr 10.93 C 15.55 M
Cu 39.72 C 0 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00000743 C
Hg 0.98 C 0 M
N2O 19700 C
Ni 104.3 C 26.13 M
NMVOC 374350 C
NOx/NO2 408700 M
PAHs 1.98 C
Pb 42.91 C 27.85 M
PM10 45600 M
SO2 104600 M
TOC 1581000 M
Total N 22600 M
Total P 5200 M
Zn 280.8 C 1881 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 2790 M
As 4.76 C 3.62 M
BOD7 1639000 M
Cd 2.81 C 8.7 M
CH4 8020 C
CO2 biofuels 627303000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 34586000 C
CO2 Total 661889000 C
Cr 6.93 C 4.78 M
Cu 13.01 C 2.85 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00001303 C
Hg 0.43 C 0.005 M
N2O 6980 C
Ni 15.24 C 3.6 M
NMVOC 323060 C
PAHs 0.0021 C
Pb 13.01 C 23.89 M
TOC 1080700 M
Total N 34700 M
Total P 7200 M
Zn 26.23 C 1286 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 2650 M
As 4.55 C 17.1 M
BOD7 1107000 M
Cd 2.7 C 20.2 M
CH4 7660 C
CO2 biofuels 573527000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 35972000 C
CO2 Total 609499000 C
Cr 6.62 C 89.2 M
Cu 12.43 C 50.7 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00001245 C
Hg 0.41 C 2.1 M
N2O 6670 C
Ni 14.56 C 31.7 M
NMVOC 309290 C
NOx/NO2 391900 M
PAHs 0 C
Pb 12.43 C 48.7 M
PM10 39500 M
SOx 74000 M
TOC 783000 M
Total N 42200 M
Total P 11700 M
Zn 25.1 C 1999 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 2000 M
As 5.3 C 12 M
BOD7 2426000 M
Cd 3.13 C 15 M
CH4 8920 C
CO2 biofuels 610585000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 27899000 C
CO2 Total 638484000 C
Cr 7.71 C 46 M
Cu 14.47 C 55 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00001449 C
Hg 0.48 C 1.8 M
N2O 7770 C
Ni 16.95 C 18 M
NMVOC 364470 C
NOx/NO2 401600 M
PAHs 0 C
Pb 14.48 C 96 M
PM10 73900 M
SOx 66000 M
TOC 1845000 M
Total N 20200 M
Total P 3900 M
Zn 29.13 C 1213 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 3460 M
As 5.4 C 7 M
BOD7 2666000 M
Cd 3.2 C 14 M
CH4 9100 C
CO 17400 C
CO2 biofuels 640634000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 30398000 C
CO2 Total 671032000 C
Cr 7.85 C 80 M
Cu 14.72 C 80 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0 C
Hg 0.49 C 1.7 M
N2O 7900 C
NH3 70000 C
Ni 17.3 C 101 M
NMVOC 371000 C
NOx/NO2 436200 M
PAHs 0 C
Pb 14.7 C 59 M
PM10 35900 M
SOx 85800 M
TOC 1722000 M
Total N 22300 M
Total P 3600 M
Zn 29.4 C 1326 M

Hazardous waste, for treatment abroad

No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.

Hazardous waste, for treatment in Sweden

Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
93.844 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
231.1 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
96.9 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
230 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
97 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
127 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
81 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
102 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
234 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
224 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery E
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
138 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery E
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
125 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery E
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
83 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery E
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
260.7 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal E
260.7 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery E
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
164.1 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal E
164.1 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery E
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
135.2 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal E
135.2 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery E
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
60.7 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M

Non-hazardous waste, for treatment in and outside Sweden

Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
1143 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
11280.7 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
3797 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
13922.7 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2642 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
16687.2 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
1492 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
9043.6 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2918 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
11616.9 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
1871 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
15907 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2800 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
8664 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2876 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
11730 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2348 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
11579 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2463 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal E
11012 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery E
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2870 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal E
12087 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery E
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2620 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal E
11686 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery E
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2552 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal E
14127 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery E
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2366 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal E
11981 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery E
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2618 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal E
11650 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery E
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2697 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal E
11859 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery E
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2843 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
136 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M