Jämtkraft Lugnviksverket

Activity (PRTR) 1.(c) Thermal power stations and other combustion installations
Activity (MPF) 90.200-i Förbränning
River basin district Bottenhavet
County Jämtlands län
Municipality Östersund
Parent company name Jämtkraft AB
Organization ID No. 556001-6064
Property reference LUGNVIKSVERKET 1
Supervisory agency Östersunds kommun, samhällsbyggnad
Env. mgmt. system ISO 14001

Excel Chart


Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cd 0.035 E
CO2 biofuels 342517000 E
CO2 fossil fuels 0 E
CO2 Total 342517000 E
Hg 1.9 C 0.021 E
NH3 696.98 M
NOx/NO2 62939 M
SOx 211.7 E
TSP 2804 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cd 0.12 E
CO2 biofuels 339986000 E
CO2 fossil fuels 0 E
CO2 Total 339986000 E
Hg 0.8 C 0.012 E
NH3 1386 M
NOx/NO2 63971.3 M
SOx 215 E
TSP 3701 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cd 0.2 E
CO2 biofuels 365880711 E
CO2 fossil fuels 4825373 E
CO2 Total 370706084 E
Hg 0.5 C 0.06 E
NH3 1608 M
NOx/NO2 68963 M
SO2 1532 E
TSP 2923 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cd 0.5 E
CO2 biofuels 257978000 E
CO2 fossil fuels 7060000 E
CO2 Total 265038000 E
Hg 1.3 C 0.07 E
NH3 612 E
NOx/NO2 35099 M
SO2 503 E
TSP 4167 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cd 0.5 E
CO2 biofuels 263449800 E
CO2 fossil fuels 13600710 E
CO2 Total 277050510 E
Hg 1.6 C 0.05 E
NH3 957 E
NOx/NO2 48547 M
SO2 670 E
TSP 3893 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cd 0.3 E
CO2 biofuels 249724408 E
CO2 fossil fuels 22482247 E
CO2 Total 272206655 E
Hg 1.3 C 0.2 E
NH3 1627 E
NOx/NO2 68458 M
SO2 1898 E
TSP 6035 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cd 3.6 E
CO2 biofuels 247499000 E
CO2 fossil fuels 19897000 E
CO2 Total 267396000 E
Hg 3.1 C 0.3 E
NH3 1430 E
NOx/NO2 40052 M
SO2 2849 E
TSP 5495 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cd 0.4 E
CO2 biofuels 245440000 E
CO2 fossil fuels 16910000 E
CO2 Total 262350000 E
Hg 1.2 C 0.04 E
NH3 626 E
NOx/NO2 41194 M
SO2 2091 E
TSP 5290 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cd 0.7 E
CO2 biofuels 256800000 E
CO2 fossil fuels 21408000 E
CO2 Total 278208000 E
Hg 1.2 C 0.1 E
NH3 112 E
NOx/NO2 34254 M
SO2 1160 E
TSP 10290 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cd 0.6 E
CO2 biofuels 276000000 E
CO2 fossil fuels 18651000 E
CO2 Total 294651000 E
Hg 1.7 C 0.8 E
NH3 471 E
NOx/NO2 44720 M
SO2 500 E
TSP 3727 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cd 0.8 E
CO2 biofuels 293600000 E
CO2 fossil fuels 25590000 E
CO2 Total 319190000 E
Hg 2.4 C 0.2 E
NH3 404 E
NOx/NO2 49634 M
SO2 900 E
TSP 2250 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cd 0.2 E
CO2 biofuels 182000000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 30302000 C
CO2 Total 212302000 C
Hg 0.5 E
NH3 309 M
NOx/NO2 51945 M
SO2 900 E
TSP 2500 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cd 0.2 E
CO2 biofuels 190000000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 29265000 C
CO2 Total 219265000 C
Hg 2.1 E
NH3 1000 M
NOx/NO2 37924 M
SO2 1000 E
TSP 4000 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cd 0.1 E
CO2 biofuels 229000000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 22000000 C
CO2 Total 251000000 C
Hg 4.3 E
NH3 968 M
NOx/NO2 82000 M
SO2 1200 E
TSP 5000 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cd 0.3 E
CO2 biofuels 271000000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 29000000 C
CO2 Total 300000000 C
Hg 0.7 E
NH3 1400 M
NOx/NO2 91350 M
SO2 1500 E
TSP 3000 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
CO2 biofuels 269000000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 27000000 C
CO2 Total 296000000 C
Hg 0.21 M 0.1 C
NH3 2700 M
NOx/NO2 72000 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
CO2 biofuels 220000000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 48000000 C
CO2 Total 268000000 C
Hg 0.15 M 0.1 C
N2O 10000 M
NH3 2270 M
NOx/NO2 55000 M

Hazardous waste, for treatment abroad

No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.

Hazardous waste, for treatment in Sweden

Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
8.71 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
5.651 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
5.748 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
5.4 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
7.7 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2.5 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
10 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
8 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
3 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
4 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2.8 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery C
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2.5 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal C
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
9.2 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal C
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
11.1 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal C
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
3.8 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal C
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
4.6 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal C
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.

Non-hazardous waste, for treatment in and outside Sweden

Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
4996.98 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
7326 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
5255 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
6395 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
5666 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
5021 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
3507 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
8300 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
73 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
3266 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
7933 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
6076 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
7020 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
7002 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
7371 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.