SCA Massa, Östrands massafabrik

Activity (PRTR) 6.(a) Industrial plants for the production of pulp from timber or similar fibrous materials
Activity (MPF) 21.10-i Massa, papper och pappersvaror
River basin district Bottenhavet
County Västernorrlands län
Municipality Timrå
Parent company name SCA Massa, Östrands massafabrik
Organization ID No. 556093-6733
Property reference ÖSTRAND 3:4 (ÖSTRAND 3:1)
Supervisory agency Länsstyrelsen i Västernorrlands län
Env. mgmt. system ISO 14001

Excel Chart


Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 29025 M
As 17.48 C 27.6 M
BOD7 421668.7 M
Cd 10.833 C 43.5 M
CO 1311738 M
CO2 biofuels 1879161555.67 C
CO2 fossil fuels 61504672.85 M
CO2 Total 1940666228.52 C
COD-cr 8775178.4 M
Cr 27.01 C 117.8 M
Cu 61.75 C 1152 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00000722 C
HFCs 0 M
Hg 1.861 C 0.479 M
N2O 32232 C
NH3 224724 C
NH4-N 9683 M
Ni 102.2 C 97.3 M
NMVOC 612350 C
NOx/NO2 1116930 M
Pb 63.5 C 27.2 M
PM10 75710 C
SO2 48760 M
TOC 2118317 M
Total N 164855.2 M
Total P 12305.6 M
TSP 79695 M
Zn 240.5 C 4420.9 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 29394 M
As 17.75 C 39.6 M
BOD7 506497 M
Cd 11.23 C 43.5 M
CO 2065649 M
CO2 biofuels 1912223143 C
CO2 fossil fuels 78994240 M
CO2 Total 1991217383 C
COD-cr 7265585 M
Cr 28.16 C 60 M
Cu 67.93 C 753.4 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00000812 C
HFCs 0 M
Hg 1.99 C 0.509 M
N2O 35431 C
NH3 229121 C
NH4-N 13247 M
Ni 95.2 C 53.2 M
NMVOC 631108 C
NOx/NO2 1233051.8 M
Pb 69.19 C 29.3 M
PM10 126140.88 C
SO2 148839.3 M
TOC 2316387 M
Total N 139095 M
Total P 8252 M
TSP 132779.9 M
Zn 299.36 C 4316.5 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 23800 M
As 17.61 C 31.6 M
BOD7 692581 M
Cd 11.153 C 56.2 M
CO 2066176 M
CO2 biofuels 1939513414 C
CO2 fossil fuels 38965680 M
CO2 Total 1978479094 C
COD-cr 9257960 M
Cr 27.97 C 85.4 M
Cu 67.44 C 1311.7 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00000785 C
HFCs 0 M
Hg 1.975 C 0.455 M
N2O 35227 C
NH3 227644 C
NH4-N 15896 M
Ni 88.89 C 112.5 M
NMVOC 627170 C
NOx/NO2 1320283.5 M
Pb 68.46 C 48.5 M
PM10 134324.6 C
SO2 201929.437 M
TOC 2209590 M
Total N 172336 M
Total P 14624 M
TSP 141394.33 M
Zn 297.84 C 5910.4 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 20729 M
As 17.47 C 19.9 M
BOD7 715729 M
Cd 10.985 C 63.3 M
CO 1801536 M
CO2 biofuels 2065619177 C
CO2 fossil fuels 56411946 M
CO2 Total 2122031123 C
COD-cr 8296396 M
Cr 27.48 C 46.7 M
Cu 67.6 C 592.8 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00001478 C
HFCs 0 M
Hg 1.975 C 0.42 M
N2O 34704 C
NH3 221904 C
NH4-N 16257 M
Ni 153.84 C 102.1 M
NMVOC 1215404 C
NOx/NO2 1160555.6 M
Pb 71.38 C 38.7 M
PM10 122356.1 C
SO2 165206.5 M
TOC 1879945 M
Total N 155596 M
Total P 14413 M
TSP 128795.9 M
Zn 299.3 C 5345.8 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 20843 M
As 15.75 C 27.3 M
BOD7 895036 M
Cd 9.913 C 55.1 M
CO 1750998 M
CO2 biofuels 1896665811 C
CO2 fossil fuels 58643053 M
CO2 Total 1955308864 C
COD-cr 9376788.75 M
Cr 24.8 C 93 M
Cu 61.36 C 1478 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.0000135 C
HFCs 23.7 M
Hg 1.789 C 0.625 M
N2O 31440 C
NH3 199780 C
NH4-N 12748 M
Ni 144.83 C 405.7 M
NMVOC 1094215 C
NOx/NO2 1042768.9 M
Pb 65.02 C 93.9 M
PM10 94475.37 C
SO2 100868.98 M
TOC 2109472 M
Total N 119024 M
Total P 17977 M
TSP 99447.8 M
Zn 273.7 C 11067.7 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 8582 M
As 9.693 C 11.6 M
BOD7 1384754 M
Cd 6.067 C 22.9 M
CO 976471 M
CO2 biofuels 1215576489 C
CO2 fossil fuels 76989254 C
CO2 Total 1292565743 C
COD-cr 7680986 M
Cr 15.121 C 62.7 M
Cu 42.136 C 346.2 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.0000099 C
HFCs 0 M
Hg 1.189 C 0.368 M
N2O 20358 C
NH3 115298 C
NH4-N 23577 M
Ni 221.187 C 107.1 M
NMVOC 629578 C
NOx/NO2 879148 M
Pb 49.915 C 27.7 M
PM10 71889 C
SO2 145448 M
TOC 1335549 M
Total N 108237 M
Total P 13184 M
TSP 75673 M
Zn 207.32 C 3490.6 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 4746 M
As 9.158 C 21.8 M
BOD7 1016572 M
Cd 5.803 C 34.4 M
CO 607830 M
CO2 biofuels 1138646294 C
CO2 fossil fuels 41902477 C
CO2 Total 1180548771 C
COD-cr 6763747 M
Cr 14.549 C 87.7 M
Cu 36.33 C 368.9 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000008 C
HFCs 20.7 M
Hg 1.052 C 0.431 M
N2O 18682 C
NH3 116673 C
NH4-N 34992 M
Ni 76.057 C 129.6 M
NMVOC 639518 C
NOx/NO2 771521 M
Pb 38.101 C 33.9 M
PM10 102624.1 C
SO2 131748 M
TOC 1372140 M
Total N 143612 M
Total P 12697 M
TSP 108025 M
Zn 166.489 C 3752.2 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 8423 M
As 9.471 C 24.9 M
BOD7 1789541 M
Cd 6.095 C 33.2 M
CO 881359 M
CO2 biofuels 1134683281.3 C
CO2 fossil fuels 31732828.6 C
CO2 Total 1166416109.9 C
COD-cr 7833483 M
Cr 15.346 C 105.9 M
Cu 39.385 C 410.7 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000008 C
HFCs 8 M
Hg 1.123 C 0.9 M
N2O 20338 C
NH3 121503 C
NH4-N 60515 M
Ni 66.786 C 120.2 M
NMVOC 667033 C
NOx/NO2 660015 C
Pb 40.676 C 32.9 M
PM10 31963 C
SO2 26825 M
TOC 1544960 M
Total N 139302 M
Total P 18626 M
TSP 32303 M
Zn 191.822 C 4359.6 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 4850 M
As 9.828 C 23.5 M
BOD7 764715 M
Cd 6.471 C 33.8 M
CO 809418 M
CO2 biofuels 1173531664 C
CO2 fossil fuels 17621624 C
CO2 Total 1191153288 C
COD-cr 6334364 M
Cr 16.394 C 66.4 M
Cu 43.587 C 587.7 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000009 C
HFCs 147 M
Hg 1.216 C 0.5 M
N2O 22662 C
NH3 127557 C
NH4-N 41082 M
Ni 47.832 C 71.1 M
NMVOC 701925 C
NOx/NO2 752943 M
Pb 43.962 C 23.9 M
PM10 48396 C
SO2 97520 M
TOC 1638952 M
Total N 139439 M
Total P 14493 M
TSP 50943 M
Zn 228.716 C 3745.2 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 5526 M
As 9.598 C 11.6 M
BOD7 492420 M
Cd 6.3 C 28.7 M
CO 851820 M
CO2 biofuels 1154553081 C
CO2 fossil fuels 13189855 C
CO2 Total 1167742936 C
COD-cr 5696433 M
Cr 15.950719 C 89.2 M
Cu 42.1366 C 464.7 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000008 C
HFCs 39 M
Hg 1.1798 C 0.5 M
N2O 21908 C
NH3 124501 C
NH4-N 62540 M
Ni 47.497 C 69.8 M
NMVOC 684917 C
NOx/NO2 671924 M
Pb 42.544 C 26.9 M
PM10 40835 C
SO2 152645 M
TOC 1589006 M
Total N 126525 M
Total P 15483 M
TSP 42984 M
Zn 218.797 C 3188.5 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 5387 M
As 9.5 C 19.6 M
BOD7 630668 M
Cd 6 C 29.5 M
CO 773129 M
CO2 biofuels 1274275849 C
CO2 fossil fuels 15854763 C
CO2 Total 1290130612 C
COD-cr 5870076 M
Cr 15.1 C 50.5 M
Cu 36.8 C 922 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000008 C
HFCs 54.5 M
Hg 1.1 C 0.5 M
N2O 19137 C
NH3 91065 C
NH4-N 58817 M
Ni 56.8 C 78.2 M
NMVOC 670658 C
NOx/NO2 710286 M
Pb 37.7 C 31.9 M
PM10 75975.63 C
SO2 195456 M
TOC 1618309 M
Total N 122780 M
Total P 15524 M
TSP 79974.3 M
Zn 164.6 C 3614.8 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 5246 M
As 9.6 C 12.5 M
BOD7 602977 M
Cd 6.3 C 39.3 M
CO 985986 M
CO2 biofuels 1222434433 C
CO2 fossil fuels 19755610 C
CO2 Total 1242190043 C
COD-cr 6621550 M
Cr 16 C 115.3 M
Cu 43 C 546.6 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000009 C
HFCs 30 C
Hg 1.2 C 0.5 M
N2O 22227 C
NH3 92781 C
NH4-N 104408 C
Ni 62.1 C 117.6 M
NMVOC 681904 C
NOx/NO2 706112 M
Pb 44 C 37.4 M
SO2 166702 M
TOC 1776911 M
Total N 146759 M
Total P 15323 M
TSP 38536 M
Zn 226.9 C 3538.8 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 5232 M
As 9.5 C 14.5 M
BOD7 619659 M
Cd 6.2 C 36 M
CO 991834 M
CO2 biofuels 1237163742 C
CO2 fossil fuels 66656950 C
CO2 Total 1303820692 C
COD-cr 5737893 M
Cr 15.7 C 127 M
Cu 42.7 C 600 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000009 C
HFCs 37.5 C
Hg 1.2 C 0.5 M
N2O 21728 C
NH3 90356 C
NH4-N 91669 C
Ni 100.5 C 92 M
NMVOC 662542 C
NOx/NO2 701804 M
Pb 45.4 C 31 M
SO2 412101.5 M
TOC 1470217 M
Total N 120419 M
Total P 16822 M
TSP 36370 M
Zn 223.6 C 3425 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 5363 M
As 9.9 C 23.3 M
BOD7 452427 M
Cd 6.4 C 28 M
CO 787733 M
CO2 biofuels 1323625510 C
CO2 fossil fuels 82123615 C
CO2 Total 1405749125 C
COD-cr 5791867 M
Cr 16 C 46 M
Cu 44 C 443 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00006 C
HFCs 99 C
Hg 1.2 C 0.47 M
N2O 21938 C
NH3 91743 C
NH4-N 28508 C
Ni 150.8 C 99 M
NMVOC 670942 C
NOx/NO2 641261 M
Pb 48.7 C 29 M
SO2 379973 M
TOC 1530464 M
Total N 123596 M
Total P 16245 M
TSP 51999 M
Zn 225.4 C 3038 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 7638 M
As 9.6 C 23.3 M
BOD7 515051 M
Cd 6.1 C 27 M
CO 587058 M
CO2 biofuels 1298279724 C
CO2 fossil fuels 75016976 C
CO2 Total 1373296700 C
COD-cr 5260745 M
Cr 15.4 C 47 M
Cu 40.8 C 645 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000055 C
HFCs 162 C
Hg 1.2 C 0.59 M
N2O 20626 C
NH3 89573 C
NH4-N 42548 C
Ni 115.5 C 93 M
NMVOC 656619 C
NOx/NO2 640322 M
Pb 44.1 C 25 M
SO2 362323 M
TOC 1651213 M
Total N 126029 M
Total P 15155 M
Zn 202.3 C 3319 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 6128 M
As 9.8 C 24.4 M
BOD7 650000 M
Cd 6.2 C 39 M
CO 543296 M
CO2 biofuels 1343549334 C
CO2 fossil fuels 66340324 C
CO2 Total 1409889658 C
COD-cr 6014349 M
Cr 15.6 C 64 M
Cu 39.9 C 528 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000053 C
HFCs 146 C
Hg 1.1 C 0.49 M
N2O 20365 C
NH3 92469 C
NH4-N 59779 C
Ni 94.9 C 182 M
NMVOC 679185 C
NOx/NO2 693591 M
Pb 42.3 C 51 M
SO2 300116 M
TOC 2075332 M
Total N 120384 M
Total P 18335 M
Zn 188.2 C 3565 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 6837 M
As 9.8 C 46 M
BOD7 974000 M
Cd 6.2 C 31 M
CO2 biofuels 1342769000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 90466000 C
CO2 Total 1433235000 C
COD-cr 7889000 M
Cr 15.6 C 83 M
Cu 41.4 C 358 M
HFCs 310 M
Hg 1.2 C 1.09 M
N2O 20700 C
NH3 91000 C
NH4-N 20900 C
Ni 142 C 116 M
NMVOC 667000 C
NOx/NO2 730000 M
Pb 46 C 67 M
PM10 92000 C
SO2 357000 M
TOC 2428915 M
Total N 145080 M
Total P 27720 M
Zn 201 C 3233 M

Hazardous waste, for treatment abroad

No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.

Hazardous waste, for treatment in Sweden

Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
420.475 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
334.554 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
296.546 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
400.004 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
391.679 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
436.948 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
644.3 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
455.81 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
395 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
338 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
492 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
547 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
401.854 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
574.599 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
557.264 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
417.868 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
481.9525 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M

Non-hazardous waste, for treatment in and outside Sweden

Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
78695 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
94119 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
83424 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
52222 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
62274 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
36279 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
42657 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
27090 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
56167 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
40390 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
37169 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
57414 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
46910.703 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
52604 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
57652 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
44897.5 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
43896.33 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M