
Activity (PRTR) 4.(b).(i) Chemical installations for the production on an industrial scale of basic inorganic chemicals, such as - Gases
Activity (MPF) 27.70-i Stål och metall
River basin district Norra Östersjön
County Uppsala län
Municipality Östhammar
Parent company name AB Sandvik Coromant
Organization ID No. 556234-6865
Property reference ÖSTHAMMAR GIMO 10:1 (ÖSTHAMMAR GIMO 13:12)
Supervisory agency Länsstyrelsen i Uppsala län
Env. mgmt. system ISO 14001:2004

Excel Chart


Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cr 0.1 M
Ni 0.07 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cr 0.2 M
Ni 0.69 M
Total P 2 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cr 0.2 M
Ni 0.71 M
Total P 2.1 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cr 0.16 M
Ni 0.61 M
NMVOC 22900 E
Total P 2.3 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cr 0.26 M
Ni 0.8 M
NMVOC 24100 E
Total P 2.2 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cr 0.1 M
Ni 0.9 M
NMVOC 25300 E
Total P 2.1 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cr 0.2 M
Ni 0.5 M
NMVOC 24200 E
Total P 1.8 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cr 0.1 M
Ni 1.3 M
NMVOC 24700 E
Total P 1.6 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cr 0.1 M
Ni 1.6 M
NMVOC 25500 E
Total P 2 E
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cr 0.2 M
Ni 1.5 M
NMVOC 24100 E
Total P 1.4 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cr 0.5 M
Ni 0.88 M
NMVOC 24570 E
Total P 2.8 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
Cr 0.6 M
Ni 0.39 M
NMVOC 22570 E
Total P 2 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
BOD7 683 M
Cr 0.8 M
Cu 0.56 M
Ni 0.35 M
NMVOC 28240 E
Total P 5 M
Zn 1.47 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
BOD7 885 M
Cr 0.3 M
Cu 0.23 M
Ni 0.35 M
NMVOC 22200 E
Total P 2 M
Zn 0.7 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
BOD7 510 M
Cr 0.4 M
Cu 0.2 M
Ni 0.3 M
NMVOC 12950 E
Total P 0 M
Zn 0.4 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
BOD7 1000 M
Cr 0 E 0.5 M
Cu 0 E 0.4 M
Ni 0 E 0.7 M
NMVOC 27400 E
Total P 0 M
Zn 0 E 0.7 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
BOD7 900 M
Cr 0 E 0.6 M
Cu 0 E 0.9 M
Ni 0 E 1.9 M
NMVOC 39200 C
Total P 0 M
Zn 0 E 1.2 M

Hazardous waste, for treatment abroad

No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.

Hazardous waste, for treatment in Sweden

Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
37.8 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
369.2 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
41.2 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
476.9 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
37.2 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
430.1 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
35.4 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
408.6 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
40.3 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
463.9 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
49.8 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
491.3 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
46.9 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
482.2 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
64.3 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
398.9 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
78.7 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
458.6 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
180.4 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
386.3 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
121.6 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
370.5 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
379.3 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
404.3 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
1908.8 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
260.9 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
63.7 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
1659 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
725.9 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
1330 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
745 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M

Non-hazardous waste, for treatment in and outside Sweden

Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
1647.7 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
1643 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
1710 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
1526.8 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
1873.6 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
1973.2 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
507.3 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
1897.5 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
483.4 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
2318.2 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
521.1 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
2246.3 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
399.1 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
2396.1 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
564.1 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
2111.8 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
536.4 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
1852.9 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
610 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
1998.6 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
623.2 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
1779.9 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
658.2 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.