Ahlstrom Aspa Bruk AB

Activity (PRTR) 6.(a) Industrial plants for the production of pulp from timber or similar fibrous materials
Activity (MPF) 21.10-i Massa, papper och pappersvaror
River basin district Södra Östersjön
County Örebro län
Municipality Askersund
Parent company name Ahlstrom Aspa Bruk AB
Organization ID No. 556064-6498
Property reference OLSHAMMAR 6:17
Supervisory agency Länsstyrelsen i Örebro län
Env. mgmt. system ja

Excel Chart


Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 3193 M
As 4.4 C 0.4 M
Cd 2.5 C 3.07 M
CO2 biofuels 379020408 C
CO2 fossil fuels 14308679 C
CO2 Total 393329087 C
COD-cr 1748184 M
Cu 12.3 C 66.7 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000001 C
HCl 684 M
Hg 0.41 C
NH3 54454 C
Ni 55.3 C 10 M
NMVOC 288319 C
NOx/NO2 211880 M
Pb 14.03 C 5.4 M
PM10 47623 M
SO2 8811 M
TOC 759409 M
Total N 29580 M
Total P 8092 M
TSP 47623 M
Zn 506 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 2929 M
As 4.5 C 9.1 M
Cd 2.6 C 4.15 M
CO2 biofuels 393994000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 11971000 C
CO2 Total 405965000 C
COD-cr 2177610 M
Cu 12.5 C 37.9 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000001 C
HCl 3662 M
Hg 0.42 C
NH3 56190 C
Ni 49.5 C 13.2 M
NMVOC 297710 C
NOx/NO2 227724 M
Pb 14 C 9.8 M
PM10 64607 M
SO2 13048 M
TOC 733676 M
Total N 30035 M
Total P 8280 M
TSP 64607 M
Zn 713.3 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 2620 M
As 4.3 C 4.7 M
Cd 2.5 C 4 M
CO2 biofuels 362723000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 22069000 C
CO2 Total 384792000 C
COD-cr 2064942 M
Cu 12.3 C 24.3 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000002 C
HCl 5320 M
Hg 0.4 C
NH3 51880 C
Ni 81.6 C 31.9 M
NMVOC 273960 C
NOx/NO2 219775 M
Pb 15.1 C 6.2 M
PM10 53643 M
SO2 8079 M
TOC 700691 M
Total N 28880 M
Total P 7610 M
TSP 53643 M
Zn 781.1 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 3479 M
As 4.3 C 4.1 M
Cd 2.5 C 4.5 M
CO2 biofuels 418654000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 15521000 C
CO2 Total 434175000 C
COD-cr 2342000 M
Cu 12.1 C 30 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000003 C
HCl 2155 M
Hg 0.4 C
NH3 53160 C
Ni 61 C
NMVOC 281260 C
NOx/NO2 234000 M
Pb 14 C 8.6 M
PM10 76200 M
SO2 5400 M
TOC 768000 M
Total N 30000 M
Total P 7300 M
TSP 76200 M
Zn 552 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 3578 M
As 4.3 C 7.2 M
Cd 2.5 C 2.6 M
CO2 biofuels 446974000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 15156100 C
CO2 Total 462130100 C
COD-cr 2327000 M
Cu 12.1 C 44 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000003 C
HCl 6225 M
Hg 0.4 C
NH3 53000 C
Ni 60 C
NMVOC 281000 C
NOx/NO2 248000 M
Pb 14 C 5.8 M
PM10 84300 M
SO2 7500 M
TOC 782000 M
Total N 27000 M
Total P 7100 M
TSP 84300 M
Zn 583 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 3435 M
As 4.1 C 3.7 M
Cd 2.3 C 5 M
CO2 biofuels 411172000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 20032000 C
CO2 Total 431204000 C
COD-cr 2212000 M
Cu 11.6 C 31 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000003 C
HCl 5188 M
Hg 0.4 C
NH3 49000 C
Ni 75 C
NMVOC 261000 C
NOx/NO2 211388 M
Pb 14.2 C 3.2 M
PM10 76500 M
SO2 14299 M
TOC 745711 M
Total N 21701 M
Total P 5928 M
TSP 76500 M
Zn 407 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 3653 M
As 4.3 C 2.8 M
Cd 2.4 C 3.5 M
CO2 biofuels 429926000 C
CO2 fossil fuels 19439000 C
CO2 Total 449365000 C
COD-cr 2352000 M
Cu 12.1 C 62 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000003 C
HCl 17140 M
Hg 0.4 C
NH3 52000 C
Ni 73 C
NMVOC 275000 C
NOx/NO2 220657 M
Pb 14.6 C 8.8 M
PM10 137900 M
SO2 62442 M
TOC 828212 M
Total N 23464 M
Total P 5258 M
TSP 137900 M
Zn 388 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 6420 M
As 4.3 C 5.3 M
Cd 2.5 C 1.8 M
CO2 biofuels 450872000 M
CO2 fossil fuels 15144000 M
CO2 Total 466016000 M
COD-cr 2356000 M
Cu 12 C 47 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000003 C
HCl 2390 M
Hg 0.4 C
NH3 52860 C
Ni 60 C
NMVOC 279700 C
NOx/NO2 204100 M
Pb 14 C 5.1 M
PM10 107800 M
SO2 36600 M
TOC 845012 M
Total N 26135 M
Total P 5970 M
TSP 107800 M
Zn 402 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 8200 M
As 4.2 C 6.7 M
Cd 2.4 C 6 M
CO2 biofuels 452449610 M
CO2 fossil fuels 12120900 M
CO2 Total 464570510 M
COD-cr 2679000 M
Cr 21.7 M
Cu 11.8 C 27.9 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000003 C
HCl 11100 M
Hg 0.39 C
NH3 52660 C
Ni 50 C
NMVOC 279000 C
NOx/NO2 206000 M
Pb 13.4 C 11.8 M
PM10 98000 C
SOx 15400 M
TOC 880268 M
Total N 25000 M
Total P 5900 M
Zn 433 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 7440 M
As 4.2 C 1.7 M
Cd 2.4 C 4 M
CO2 biofuels 435040000 M
CO2 fossil fuels 16248300 M
CO2 Total 451288300 M
COD-cr 2639000 M
Cu 11.8 C 2 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000003 C
HCl 19000 M
Hg 0.39 C
NH3 51240 C
Ni 63 C
NMVOC 271000 C
NOx/NO2 217100 M
Pb 14 C 12.5 M
PM10 123000 C
SOx 31000 M
TOC 922000 M
Total N 27980 M
Total P 6250 M
Zn 301 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 7300 M
As 4.2 C 3.7 M
Cd 2.4 C 6.6 M
CO2 biofuels 439886000 M
CO2 fossil fuels 16290000 M
CO2 Total 456179000 M
COD-cr 2649000 M
Cu 11.9 C 46 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000003 C
HCl 7900 C
Hg 0.39 C
NH3 51690 C
Ni 63 C
NMVOC 273400 C
NOx/NO2 200400 M
Pb 14 C 21.8 M
PM10 104400 C
SOx 51842 M
TOC 902000 M
Total N 30710 M
Total P 6220 M
Zn 502 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 8650 M
As 4.1 C
Cd 2.4 C 3.3 M
CO2 biofuels 447515000 M
CO2 fossil fuels 12185300 M
CO2 Total 459700300 M
COD-cr 2918000 C
Cu 11.6 C 30 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000003 C
HCl 9250 C
Hg 0.38 C
NH3 51420 C
Ni 50 C
NMVOC 272300 C
NOx/NO2 222300 M
Pb 13.1 C 13.4 M
PM10 89000 C
SOx 49400 M
TOC 954000 M
Total N 37530 M
Total P 6080 M
Zn 386 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 7100 M
As 4.1 C
Cd 2.3 C 4.3 M
CO2 biofuels 448000000 M
CO2 fossil fuels 15800000 M
CO2 Total 463800000 M
COD-cr 2690000 C
Cu 11.4 C 38 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.000003 C
HCl 8200 C
Hg 0.38 C
NH3 49700 C
Ni 60 C
NMVOC 263000 C
NOx/NO2 207800 M
Pb 13.4 C 14 M
PM10 173000 C
SOx 77000 M
TOC 998000 M
Total N 35660 M
Total P 6150 M
Zn 459 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 6100 M
As 4.1 C
Cd 2.4 C 5.2 M
CO2 biofuels 457400000 M
CO2 fossil fuels 16600000 M
CO2 Total 474000000 M
COD-cr 3080000 C
Cu 11.5 C 34 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00001 C
HCl 30000 C
Hg 0.38 C 0.1 M
NH3 50300 C
Ni 60 C
NMVOC 266000 C
NOx/NO2 222000 M
Pb 13.5 C 8 M
PM10 290000 C
SOx 78800 M
TOC 1046000 M
Total N 33400 M
Total P 5600 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 5600 M
As 3.7 C
Cd 2.2 C 1.1 M
CO2 biofuels 420150000 M
CO2 fossil fuels 15800000 M
CO2 Total 436000000 M
COD-cr 2320000 C
Cr 20 M
Cu 10.4 C 23 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00001 C
HCl 30000 M
Hg 0.34 C
NH3 46300 C
Ni 42 C
NMVOC 245000 C
NOx/NO2 195000 M
Pb 11.6 C 8.8 M
PM10 242000 C
SOx 106000 M
TOC 801000 M
Total N 29000 M
Total P 5100 M
Zn 410 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 6570 M
As 3.9 C 0.53 M
BOD7 1094000 M
Cd 2.3 C 1.07 M
CH4 6300 C
CO 160000 M
CO2 biofuels 424000000 M
CO2 fossil fuels 25110000 M
CO2 Total 449110000 M
COD-cr 2722000 C
Cr 5.4 C 19.1 M
Cu 10.8 C 20.9 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00001 C
HCl 16200 M
HFCs 14 M
Hg 0.35 C 0.5 E
N2O 5500 C
NH3 47700 C
Ni 50.2 C 15.2 M
NMVOC 326000 C
NOx/NO2 196600 M
PAHs 0.51 C
Pb 12.4 C 9.2 M
PM10 276200 C
SOx 53200 M
TOC 939000 M
Total Cl 89000 C
Total N 30500 M
Total P 5720 M
Zn 21.9 C 322 M
Substance Emissions to air (kg) Method Emissions to water (kg) Method Emissions to wastewater treatment plants (kg) Method
AOX 7400 M
As 3.9 C 3.6 M
BOD7 1100000 M
Cd 2.2 C 1.2 M
CFCs 0 M
CH4 6200 C
CO 120000 M
CO2 biofuels 420000000 M
CO2 fossil fuels 32000000 M
CO2 Total 452000000 M
Cr 5.4 C 17 M
Cu 11 C 29 M
dioxins + furans as Teq 0.00001 C
HCl 22000 M
HFCs 8.1 M
Hg 0.36 C 0 E
N2O 5400 C
NH3 47000 C
Ni 66 C 2.2 M
NMVOC 320000 C
NOx/NO2 230000 M
PAHs 0.54 C
Pb 13 C 1.2 M
PM10 272000 C
SOx 68000 M
TOC 930000 M
Total Cl 84000 C
Total N 33000 M
Total P 6600 M
Zn 22 C 240 M

Hazardous waste, for treatment abroad

No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.

Hazardous waste, for treatment in Sweden

Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
8.8 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
548 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
0.069 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
60 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
8.2 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
52 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
44 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
4 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
35 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
0.4 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
42 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
6 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
16 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
1 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
12 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
4 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
29 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
11.6 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
13.4 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
3.8 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
23.9 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2.3 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
6 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
114 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
1.8 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
5.9 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
1.7 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2.4 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for disposal M
9 Total Hazardous waste within country. Destined for recovery M
No waste is reported for this facility for the year selected.

Non-hazardous waste, for treatment in and outside Sweden

Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2917 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
19578 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
3005 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
24893 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2767 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
16530 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2854 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
24611 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2840 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
14431 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2661 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
14467 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2867 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
44838 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2842 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
19939 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
2826 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
42407 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
10236 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
22514 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
14335 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
9954 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
22 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
8190 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
27 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
101000 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
52 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
97200 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M
Quantity (tonnes) Type Treatment method Method
203 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for disposal M
60480 Total Non-hazardous waste. Destined for recovery M